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Faversham life

I am very privileged to feature in the recent edition of local online magazine Faversham life!

The article highlights my motivation behind writing ‘fruit bowl friends’. Not just because my boys love apples so much but also to serve as a gentle introduction for children to food awareness and engagement.

Its a new level of visibility so feels a bit scary and vulnerable 😬 BUT reading this article has actually re-stoked 🔥my passion further.

It’s no secret that supermarkets have the monopoly on the food that’s grown, often setting standards in a way which means some British growers can’t compete with imports and have to ‘branch out’ 😉elsewhere..😬

Of course this is a complex issue and I’m no expert but what concerns me most is- why isn’t the system doing more to support local food sources?!

Both consumers and growers alike need to earn a living and deserve to be paid appropriately. Cost is at the forefront of the markets and it is the government who should be ensuring the correct policies are in place to promote ethical, sustainable and appropriate produce, with minimal waste at the local level. Subsidising and supporting food, projects and produce which furthers our health, happiness and well-being. (I believe this translates to any form of produce for that matter).

Obviously different foods grow better, in different climates and working cooperatively with the climate, helps to ensure the most effective use of resources.

For example, out of season British tomatoes actually have a larger carbon footprint than imported ones due to the amount of heat/light required to produce them.

It’s certainly a changing climate, so I guess like everything in life, its an evolving thing, but largely eating seasonally, growing our own food if we can (or maybe some guerrilla planting 😉) and supporting local growers and farmers just feels like the right thing to do..

Anyway! Tangent over!! 😅 I just want to take a moment to say Thank-you!! to you all for supporting my writing journey so far ❤️🙏 I hope you enjoy reading the article ,

Faversham Life | Online Magazine

Stay warm and cosy out there,


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